Monday 1 June 2015

Infrographic website

amazing, purely interactive infographic website
that I found whilst researching infographics

13 Reason why your brain craves infographics

Infographics I created

Infographics created for use on the website.

Refugee Statistic Infographic

Whilst researching and looking at different infographic's organizations
have used I came across these;

what I found interesting is that the UNHCR were actually not that well presented and instead of shocking or attracting views it made the think but not in a fun and creative manner.
statiscally the UNHCR has the most reliable figures and so I used many of thier infrographic charts.

Mock ups

Been working on some mock ups, for my social/political website.

A logo design for the
website. It stands for
"One World, One People".

A first draft for a simple
point & click web format.

(960 px by 760 px)

Another mockup for continuously scrolling website,
this design would be a pagebreaker.

Monday 27 April 2015

ALRIGHT quick first post, about three very different websites all with their own strengths & weaknesses;
For my current project I've been researching different design layouts for websites, and by far these were my favourite in their individual styles. Out of the three my favourite was the Fluid architects office website which had a clean, simple and professional design but without lacking in flow or modernity to be frank browsing through the site was quite 'Fluid".