Monday, 1 June 2015

Infrographic website

amazing, purely interactive infographic website
that I found whilst researching infographics

13 Reason why your brain craves infographics

Infographics I created

Infographics created for use on the website.

Refugee Statistic Infographic

Whilst researching and looking at different infographic's organizations
have used I came across these;

what I found interesting is that the UNHCR were actually not that well presented and instead of shocking or attracting views it made the think but not in a fun and creative manner.
statiscally the UNHCR has the most reliable figures and so I used many of thier infrographic charts.

Mock ups

Been working on some mock ups, for my social/political website.

A logo design for the
website. It stands for
"One World, One People".

A first draft for a simple
point & click web format.

(960 px by 760 px)

Another mockup for continuously scrolling website,
this design would be a pagebreaker.